in pursuit of better bodies

Abs of the week

Abs of the week – Michelle Berger (Buffmother)

In 4 short years Michelle became the mother to 4 children. She spent every moment of her days selflessly caring for her family and finding time for her self was impossible. She was a physical and mental mess: out of shape, over weight, overwhelmed, overstressed, tired, and on the verge of depression. She was too busy to eat right and the thought of exercise was frustrating and seemingly pointless. It was then that she hit rock bottom. Michelle finally decided to turn everything around and focus on path of eating the right foods and training properly to live a healthier and happier life. She completely transformed your body into a top level competitive fitness model and has never looked back!

You can check out

Her website

Her blog

Her Youtube Channel

Abs of the week – Diana Chaloux

Abs of the week – Jelena Abbou

Jelena Abbou is a fitness model with amazing abs, body and charm. Her well-defined midesction will capture your attention. Jelena’s beauty can strike you not only on the fitness stage but on the catwalk as well. She radiates natural charm and shows strength that can only inspire you.

Find out more about Jelena at:

Abs of the week – Julie Marsland

Julie Marsland has one of the most impressive physiques in the fitness industry. It serves as a model for many fitness enthusiasts as well as professionals. She has a body that turns your head and smile that instantly enchants you. Her defined six-pack makes you gape at every single muscle that appear on her body while at the same time her femininity remain striking. She definitely can serve as inspiration for every one who tries to have carved and strong abs.

You can find more about Jule at:

Abs of the week – Maggie Diubaldo

Maggie Diubaldo is one of those fitness models you can’t stop staring at. She possesses beautiful face and body as well as charismatic look and beautiful smile. The first thing you notice when you look at her is her phenomenal midsection with perfect definition. Well, she surely has put a  lot of work in order to achieve that. Her phenomenal physique serves as an inspiration for many women around the world.

You can find out more about Maggie at:

Abs of the week – Aubrie Richeson

Aubrie Richeson is 20 years old fitness model with an amazing physique and captivating smile. She has been training since she was 15. She focused a lot on her abs when she began and the results are evident. It was a major goal for her and she definitely reached it. More of Aubrie can be found at: